Expo: Vincent De Boer presents The Stroke
Hosted by Kapitaal
You can take the familiar saying ‘a stroke of brilliance’ quite literally with Utrecht-based painter Vincent de Boer. His one-stroke paintings show superhumanly awesome displays of depth, dimension and directness. All movements are done with one or few contact moments with the paper. In this way, the tension and energy of that moment defines the result.
De Boer has also been an official visual band member of the London jazz group Ill Considered for more than three years. Vincent takes care of the complete visual appearance of the band with ink and brush. Normally the improv jazz band makes their music, after which Vincent makes the album covers. The roles are reversed for project 'The Stroke': the music is improvised during the first time the film is played. Kapitaal exclusively shows Vincent's calligraphic animation and the documentary of the accompanying creative process. Vincent himself will introduce the work. Bring your own shirt for an exclusive ILL CONSIDERED print. Some of the 4,056 drawings can be seen during the continuous exhibition in Kapitaal.